humor · memories · music · singing · whistling

What Does That Song Mean?

I’m a whistler and a shower singer, so I’ve been interested in the idea that whatever you sing probably has something to do with what’s going on in your life.IMG_1617

That may be true, but sometimes I find it hard to correlate my music selections with my desires/wishes/traumas/happenings going on in my life at that moment.

For instance, I often find myself singing “Tammy” during my early morning cleaning rituals. For those of you who don’t know that song (and that may not even be the title of the tune), it is from the 50’s movie starring Sandra somebody (was her name Dee?).

I guess I saw the show, don’t remember it, but I remember the song. “Tammy, Tammy, Tammy’s in love.”

I’ve never been called Tammy. I never looked like the petite blonde cutie who was Tammy in the movies, I don’t know any of the words except those 5, but I can hum the heck out of notes. Now if my sister is around, she knows all the words, but not necessarily the tune. I, on the other hand, have the melody down but not the words. We make a great musical team.

But, back to the point of why I would have that tune on my mind. mono-question-markI haven’t a clue. Most of the time I don’t know what I’m even singing or whistling. Someone will ask me the name of the song I’m humming or whistling, 1378700810and I’m not even aware that I’m making any noise whatsoever. Did I mention that my hearing isn’t terribly good?

I have to stop and think to see what is going on inside the old noggin. Embarrassing when I realize that actually nothing is going on in there…my lips are just moving on their own with no direction from me.

Do you have any idea just how uncomfortable that is: to know you are wandering through your life blaring out something without having any awareness that everyone around you is casting strange looks toward you and reaching to turn down their hearing aids? Actually, it isn’t too uncomfortable since I’m unaware of most things going on around me anyway.

I was perusing the various egg cartons recently at the grocery store and someone came up beside memcol-music-from-egg and said, “Oh, I knew you were back here somewhere. I could hear your whistle when I came in the front door.”

I hadn’t a clue I was serenading tomorrow’s breakfast!

I did have a strange sensation yesterday when I found myself singing ‘Here I am Lord’, and promptly fell flat on my face in the street.

Someone please tell me what exactly that means!


10 thoughts on “What Does That Song Mean?

  1. Hehe, sounds like you have a performer inside you who’s desperate to come out. Doesn’t sound like she’ll go quietly into the night. Best to just accept it and let her do her thing. 😉


    1. Yes, my mother was agast when I told her I performed at my church whistling a favorite hymn. She couldn’t believe anyone would want to hear me whistling much less that I would actually do it. Oh, the secret performer in me will not be detered to sink so low or fly so high to get attention.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I get songs stuck in my head nearly every day. My husband Andy likes to say a line from a song. It’s like mind control, he says some words and I start singing. I can’t help it. Tammy, by the way, is a song that pops into my head occasionally. I think it sometimes has something to do with current emotional state that matches the emotional state of a song. Other times it is just the words. Sometimes a song just comes out of nowhere.

    Recently, I’ve been singing three Loretta Lynn songs. We are having a Grand Ole Opry party at our club in January and I am going to sing them there. I even bought a long black wig to wear, since I am a blonde. Don’t Come Home a Drinkin, with Lovin’ on Your Mind, You Ain’t Woman Enough to Take My Man, and Coal Miner’s Daughter. I sing along with Loretta on You Tube to practice. Now I hear myself singing one of these songs any time of day. They are driving me crazy.


  3. Oh yes. I understand. I was remembering last night that my mother played the piano, and when I held her hand her fingers would just barely twitch. We discovered after talking about it that she was playing a tune and didn’t realize it. I could ask her what she was playing and she would stop to think and then be able to say the song. It’s the same thing I do with my whistling.
    Wear your black wig elegantly and belt out those country classics.


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