aging · birthdays · blogging · friends · memories · People · thoughts

Where Are Those Old Friends?

I heard about a surprise birthday party someone had for their spouse and it sounded like a great idea…so I began to think about planning one for a friend who turns 70 soon. The invitees would represent each decade of my friend’s life: his best friend during his first 10 years, his closest buddy during… Continue reading Where Are Those Old Friends?

blogging · friends · Giving Thanks · Gratitude · kindness · peace · People · reblog · Thanksgiving · welcoming

What is the Meaning of Thanksgiving?

I’m certainly no Bible scholar, but my Lutheran minister friend Kathy Haueisen has a good grasp of practical practices that all of us can embrace during this Thanksgiving season. I’ve reblogged her recent post on How Wise Then for your holiday musings.  http://us11.campaign-archive1 Giving Thanks Nov 20, 2015 07:00 am Do not be anxious about anything, but in… Continue reading What is the Meaning of Thanksgiving?

blogging · conversations · humor · Life · musings · work

What Do You Do?

  How often do we ask someone we have just met: “What do you do? That is a common icebreaker used by most Americans to begin conversations with strangers on elevators, at parties, on airplanes, etc. Never occurred to me that this open-ended question is an USA habit. I thought it was a universal practice… Continue reading What Do You Do?

accidents · aging · blogging · Fires · humor · Injuries · Learning · musings · Thrills

I’m All In for Cheap Thrills

Every day I learn something that may not be terribly important, but I can at least say I picked up something new, thus making my time here on earth a bit more interesting. For instance, while travelling recently with a friend, we had a bit of excitement…actually two bits of excitement. The first one was when… Continue reading I’m All In for Cheap Thrills

Arc de Triomphe · blogging · blogging 101 · Challenges · Eiffel Toer · Terrorism

Weekly Photo Challenge–Victory

The Eiffel Tower has long stood as a symbol of Paris, and after the horrendous acts of violence Friday, I recalled my many views of the Tower on my visit last year: each serving as a reminder of the grace, the energy, and the beauty of this beautiful city. Seen in the daylight… Seen at dusk… Seen at… Continue reading Weekly Photo Challenge–Victory

blogging · blogging 101 · humor · Life · musings · politics · prejudice · Re-blogs · reblogging

Spotlight On: Lizz Winstead

You might know Lizz Winstead as the co-founder and former head writer of The Daily Show (yes, that Daily Show), but she’s also a fierce, devoted reproductive justice advocate. She currently spearheads Lady Parts Justice (LPJ), which uses humor and digital media to expose anti-choice zealots in the most creative of ways. Lizz is hilarious, a brilliant political satirist and one…

blogging · blogging 101 · Community · humor · musings · WordPress · writing

I Dunno

I keep being asked why I write, why I blog, what do I want to accomplish with my writing?What, what, why, why?  Its  like being asked why I breathe, why I live, what am I to accomplish with my life. My answer: I dunno. Why do some people want to be parents? Why does someone write… Continue reading I Dunno