Weekly Prompt


As I watched a sunset one evening this week, I decided sunsets serve as a passing, an ending, a completion, and this brought to my mind how death might relate to a sunset.

Will my death be a soft sunset, a raging storm sunset, a brightly colored sunset, a cloudy sunset, or one that simply ends with no clouds to color the horizon, and I will just drift off into the darkened sky?

Death marks a passing, one I’m not necessarily trying to rush toward, but the sun is certainly headed toward the evening horizon at a quicken pace these days. I’m powerless to do anything except allow my light to fade at a rate of its own ticking.

I’m not too nervous about my personal sunset, what it will look like, when it will happen, will it be a quiet or a raucous one? But I do hope it will be something I enjoy. I can think of nothing worse than dying unhappily with regrets, anger, unresolved issues, and no laughter sending me on my way.

It would be delightful if as I sink below the surface of this life, I become a bright and shining color, marking this ending with an exclamation point. Some might prefer a quieter, more subdued finish, but I would like to be a sunset filling

the sky with magnificent rainbow colors of oranges, reds, blues, greens, purples, pinks, and yellows. Perhaps that is what I hope to see as I begin a new journey to sites unknown.

I took a picture recently of a green field bordered by a line of dark green trees and a marvelous bank of clouds radiating the sun’s rays as though they were sending a loved one off to a new destination, celebrating, waving, cheering.

Yeah, that would be the sunset I would want to be. No regrets, just joy I have lived and eagerness to see dawn in a new place.

The land is pregnant, ripe with promise.

The grass sways to the pulse of a caressing breeze.

The sky is fiery whispering rain may fall.

And trees stretch their limbs in silent celebration.

Deer birth, bringing new life to the earth.

Heartbeats slow, eyes close, the past eases,

Peace quietly settles the burdened soul,

Sunset arrives right on time in a blaze of glory.

See more Sunset posts at https://weeklyprompts.com/2024/06/05/weekly-prompts-wednesday-challenge-sunset/

13 thoughts on “Sunsets

  1. I can identify with your thoughts, Margo. I like the idea of a gentle sunset slowly falling behind the trees. Thank you for sharing your post with our challenge.


  2. Funny, I’ve been thinking about death quite a bit lately too. I guess because people I have known as contemporaries in my past are dying at a regular pace now. I’ll think of someone I worked with, or dated, or lived next door to long ago, and look them up only to find they have died in the past year or two. So it makes it more obvious that I’m of that generation, the one that is leaving softly, or noisily, now. I’m hoping everything I’ve been raised to believe is true and that I’ll see them all again someday.


    1. Yes Dawn, we are facing a sunset of our own and that sunset is approaching quicker than I had thought it would when I was 60 or even 70. But, ww knew it was on the horizon, but didn’t expect on MY horizon!


      1. I think I thought I’d have forever and forever is now much more finite than I ever imagined. I dated a guy shortly after I broke up with a long term boyfriend, and this new guy’s girlfriend had just died of cancer. We knew we weren’t forever, but we both needed someone. One of our first dates we took a bike ride and ended up at her grave. He asked me if I believed there was something after. I said I did. He wasn’t sure…”What if there’s nothing?” he asked me, in so much pain. Well, I found out a few months ago he died of cancer a couple years ago. My first thought was…well John…now you know if there’s an after, and I hope you found Debbie.


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