
Soaring Free

Angels soar among the clouds Carried by wings above the crowds. Joined by whispering heavenly doves It’s Christmas, yes, it’s a time of love We burn a log, drink and eat, Warmed by feelings we know and greet Our hearts are open, our souls unbound We taste the joy, spinning around We cheer and applaud… Continue reading Soaring Free


There is Enough

The rush is on.  Santa is over feeding his reindeer, polishing the shiny nose of Rudolph, frantically getting the gifts to be delivered in order, and wondering how many toys, clothes, electronics, and do-dads will fit in his ever-increasing sized sleigh. And down on earth world, the lucky ones are buying more goodies so no… Continue reading There is Enough


December 12 – Día de Guadalupe (Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe)

The Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated annually on December 12, and I missed posting this yesterday. The festivities happen in multiple ways, but firecrackers can be heard and images and statues displayed throughout Mexican cities, towns and villages on December 12 as Catholics honor the Virgin of Guadalupe. Mexican Catholics are more… Continue reading December 12 – Día de Guadalupe (Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe)