

Easy, who said anything is easy? It is easy to love a new born, but giving birth is hard. It is easy to bake a pie, but perfecting it can be anything but easy. It’s easy to fall in love, but it is tough to maintain a level of commitment when you realize you like… Continue reading Easy


When Reason Disappears

Sometimes it is difficult, if not impossible, to keep things in perspective. For instance, when your kid has been in a fender bender, no one hurt, but chaos rages through your body. Or when someone comes to work on a leaky faucet and inadvertently cuts your water line and your neighbor’s house seems to be… Continue reading When Reason Disappears


Where Cotton Was King

Cotton was king in the 1950s on the high plains of West Texas when I was growing up, and it played a major role in life since the economy of the community depended on cotton production. It was big news every fall when the first bale of cotton rolled out of a local gin with… Continue reading Where Cotton Was King