children · granddad · grandparents · humor · Play · Playing

She Could Teach Me to Play

I’ve been preoccupied with the idea of playing lately, and as I glanced out my office window this morning I saw my neighbor playing with his granddaughter.

Actually, he watched as she played.

The toddler is old enough to walk, but barely, and amazingly, she can hold a remote control that directs a battery powered car. I’m mesmerized just watching the joy this young one derives in running the car onto the grass, into a tree, around in circles, and sometimes even going where she wants it to. She giggles, laughs, and delights in her ability to control something.

And it is fun to see her playing.

Her granddad just stands back, letting her determine what she wants to do next. She might pick the toy up. She might ‘toddle’ her way toward the street (he immediately intercepts her), she might head back to the house, or she might just sit down and ponder things for a few seconds.

The choice is hers, and she seems to enjoy the freedom she finds in making those decisions. She doesn’t have to think about it, she just ‘does’ what comes naturally.

I wonder if I could borrow her for a bit. She could teach me to play, show me how to let go of expectations, and she might even accidently fix my printer.

You never know.

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