Hugs · humor · love · musings · Touches · writespiration

A Hug is Still a Hug

She greets me at the door, jumping, spinning, wanting my full attention, demanding to be touched, acknowledged, held.

She craves to have my arms wrapped around her in a loving embrace, holding her with tenderness and purpose. She dashes off wanting to show me what has held her interest throughout the day. She enthusiastically drags toys, balls, and stuffed animals to the center of the room, enticing me to join her world of play.

Then it’s back to my arms to be reassured that she is loved and cared about.

Yes, a hug is universal;  conveying love, acceptance, comfort, understanding.

Given generously and accepted gratefully.


19 thoughts on “A Hug is Still a Hug

  1. Oh my goodness yes, Yes to hugs and more hugs. Now you can tell I am a hugger of people, life, fur babies and life 🙂 . Awesome post


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