banners · Cee's Fun Foto Challenge · flags · San Miguel de Allende

Flags and Banners for Cee’s Fun Foto

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge prompts us for pictures of flags and/or banners. Here is my contribution with photographs of street banners, a banner urging ex-pats to register to vote, a march and banner protesting installation of parking meters in downtown San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and a banner announcing the annual Candelaria–flower show–in the Mexican city.

I thought the multicolored flags added a touch of color!

Cee's Fun Foto Challenge, flags, banners, weekly challenge, multicolor flags, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, that little voice

Cee's Fun Foto Challenge, flags, banners, weekly challenge, multicolor flags, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, that little voice

Cee's Fun Foto Challenge, flags, banners, weekly challenge, multicolor flags, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, that little voice Cee's Fun Foto Challenge, flags, banners, weekly challenge, multicolor flags, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, that little voice

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